Self Expression
My Values
To value myself and others diversity of all kinds; to value time; to value commitment, Openness, Authenticity.
To be sensitive to others needs and show it, Compassion, Collaboration
To be flexible enough to respond to people and situations spontaneously and creatively
To believe in other’s, in hope, give benefit of doubt, assume positive intent
Freedom & Self Expression
To fearlessly take creative risks in improving human value & to live the life I love & partner other’s to explore what it means to them
My Story
As an 8-year-old, I remember entertaining my father’s friend at parties. I would often mimic famous TV artists and receive appreciation. That moment was magical and uplifting. I felt alive. Unfortunately, it was also momentary.
Life took over in the shape of expectations, studies, norms, philosophies, and rules and I grew up working for the corporate but not the way I wanted to. Spent over a decade in the corporate sector, looking for that feeling, that magical moment until 2007, when I enrolled in an acting course. That course was the turning point of my life and I felt free. I knew if had to hold on to this feeling, I must follow it and never let it go.
The workshop was designed in a way that tapped into our affective spaces. I found an affinity in that space. It felt like home. Listening to each other’s stories, and experiencing their vulnerability had a deep impact on me. I could witness how an impactful actor is able to move the audience by tapping into his/her own reality. They were teaching acting, but I was learning much more. I knew, somatically, I wanted to use acting and other experiential methods to unlock people.
On further reflection, I realized what gave me strength were attributes like listening, observing, tapping into myself, being my authentic self, creativity, being in service, unlocking people's potential, and using both the body and mind in learning. I felt free; I was breathing better, I was “in the zone.” I knew I’d have to probably make the most difficult decision of my life if I really wanted to breathe freely.
I quit the corporate industry as a full-time employee. I opened a company that used theatre and drama to teach kids. I joined a theatre group as an actor. I feel this period of my life was important and helped me learn a few things about myself. The honeymoon period was soon getting over and reality started kicking in. I had left a high-paying job and settled for one-tenth of it, so not really bringing any money home, I liked kids but had no skill in teaching and felt frustrated, I soon realized the magical feeling wasn’t there and I didn’t know what to do.
Much like Dante Alighiere, “The Thinker”, I spent some time introspecting and realized what my values were. I got clarity on those values and the ability to distinguish which ones I was honoring and which ones I wasn't honoring. To provide a deeper understanding I asked myself questions about who I am and what I truly wanted with my life. What gives me meaning and purpose? What beliefs have served as guiding principles today?
I received some answers. I know my purpose in life is "to be of service"; I know the values I hold dearly and how these values serve my purpose; I know what to lean on during challenging times...and yet there are some answers I'm still searching for.
This search gave rise to the denouement of my life and the beginning of new roles in Facilitation and Coaching.